MTG Zombie Tokens for Eternal Might Pre-con

MTG Zombie Tokens for Eternal Might Pre-con


Howdy yall, This contains 1/1 Zombie Tokens, 2/2 Zombie Tokens, and 0/0 Zombie Army Tokens. With the release of the Eternal Might Pre-Con, I decided to make a few miniature Tokens for you mummy loving boys n girls. Like my previous published file for Goblins, the idea is to flood the battle field with token creatures without sacrificing your precious play mat visibility. The last thing you want is to buy a bodacious anime girl play mat and have her portrait to be blocked by too many cards. Weirdos. There are a few more tokens this deck uses and I will try to add the STLs for them soon. I print these on a light color PLA so you can easily take a black sharpie to trace over the text and creature to make em POP! As always, please enjoy these tokens and their guilt free art. Believe it or not the art was all drawn by me, and I would love for you to enjoy my award winning graphic talent, making your ops jealous of these high quality art tokens.






