All Genders All The Time Bathroom Sign

All Genders All The Time Bathroom Sign


I saw a picture of this sign online a couple years ago and wanted to make it now that I got a 3d printer. Not sure if this is the original source, but credit to [ambar del moral on mashable]( Sign is 140 mm x 210 mm. Background is 2.4 mm thick, and extruded picture/text is 1.2 mm thick. Easily fits on stock ender 3 bed. I modified the design a little to make the text larger and make sure the braille had the complete text (original braille only said "all genders".) Dual colors achieved by manually pausing print after the first layer of the design printed, then changing the filament. There are probably a lot of other ways to do that if you have a dual color printer and/or know how to use slicing software (I am very new to 3d printing so don't know how to do that yet.) I'm posting the STEP files of the model and DFX file of the sketch for easier remixing if you'd like to make any changes. let me know if there are any other files that would be helpful and I'd be happy to post them too. There are some small gaps between lines in some of the letters, so there may be some sort of setting change to fix that.



