Ultimate Modular Shelf 2000 - as long as you need

Ultimate Modular Shelf 2000 - as long as you need


Put the free space on your walls back to work with Ultimate Modular Shelf 2000. Best features of the model: - no hardware is required - obviously, you need some screws to mount it on the wall, but to put together all modules of the shelf, all you need is (surprise, surprise) filament. Join two parts of the shelf and stick the filament into the hole on the edge. The connection will almost disappear. It is recommended, to use layer height up to 0.2 mm, to keep the space for filament perfect - otherwise, you gonna need some pliers to install the joinery. - two sizes available - with all variants - as long as you wish - thanks to multiple elements available you can make it as long as long as you need. You'll find two side elements and a middle one (with a shorter variant available). - easy to print - no supports, the models fit the print bed of most popular 3d printers. Prusa, Bambu, etc. - hex bottom - sounds like a non-important touch for some, but there's a reason. The construction is as strong and lightweight as it can be and it becomes even more useful than you think. How about a “storage for screwdrivers” or “vented shelf for your sponge”? Bees use that, they know best, what's the best. Hexes. ;) If you want to test printer settings on join use the special test file attached.






