Ribbon cable chassis housings for DB9/DB15/DB25/Centronics connectors

Ribbon cable chassis housings for DB9/DB15/DB25/Centronics connectors


While restoring an old CP/M system, I found that one of the most fragile parts were the IDC-to-DB25 and IDC-to-Centronics ribbon cables that went from the various expansion cards to the chassis. Not the simple 1:1 crimped cables, but the ones with Centronics or DB-25 connectors soldered by hand, for instance for RS-232 or parrallel printer ports. These are often a bit of a birds nest, with a couple of wires taking most of the load if the cable is accidentally pulled. These inside-the-chassis connector housings should fix the issue. For the best fit, print a connector with the proper number of ribbon cable wires. Screw holes are all the way through, as it has proven difficult to get supports out otherwise. Parts needed: DB connectors: - 2 x 3x10M screws - 2 x 3M nuts Centronics connectors: - 2 x 2.5M screws - 2 x 2.5M nuts Source is available on Github here: https://github.com/hcsaustrup/3d-openscad/tree/main/RibbonCableChassisHousings







3D Printing