Robot:bit Quadruped w/ parallel linke legs

Robot:bit Quadruped w/ parallel linke legs


I made a quadruped robot with parallel link legs. Kittenbot's Robot:bit has on-board 18650 Li-ION power, so it doesn't require space for a battery and regulator and fits neatly inside the body. The robot is now in the prototype stage and its design is likely to change. In particular, the difficulty in assembling the lower arm and the risk of parts breaking may need to be improved. 1)What you need to print Frame_upper x1 Frame_lower x1 Mount_SR04 x1 Leg_A x2 Leg_B x2 Arm_upper x4 Arm_lower _A x2 Arm_lower_B x2 Foot x4 2)What you need to assemble Kittenbot Robot:bit V2.xx x1 BBC Micro:bit x1 18650 Li-Ion cell x1 Tower Pro SG92R servo x8 HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor x1 M3x8 screw x4 M3x25 standoff x6 M3x10 cap bolt x6 M3x25 cap bolt x4 M3x28 cap bolt x8 M1.7x6 screw x2 M2x6 screw x8 Some ziptie (as you need) Note: This model is designed for me and my son to learn programming. We are both still learning, so we can't write code that we can show to other people. I'm very very sorry!






