Korokoa (Random Alien in 18mm scale)

Korokoa (Random Alien in 18mm scale)


Just A Big Ol' Weird Alien Designed Using Our [Wayfarer Random Alien Generator](Https://Illgotten-Games.Squarespace.Com/Random-Alien-Generator) (And Then Sculpted In Sculptris). Step One: Attributes Str: +1 Dex: +3 Bul: +9 Agi: +2 End: +0 Rea: +3 Per: +2 Wil: +3 Cre: +2 Cha: +2 Step Two: Locomotors Striding - The Creature Ambulates In The Same Way As A Humanoid Or Flightless Bird. -- No Adjustment Step Three: Manipulators Arms - The Creature Possesses A Pair Of Arms And May Manipulate Objects. -- No Adjustment Step Four: Extra Adaptions Behemoth - The Creature Is Ponderously Massive. -- Str +4, Bul +6, Agi -4, Shambling Primitive - The Creature Is Relatively Bestial Or Even Non-Sapient. -- Rea -1, Acute Sense (Scent) 10, Skill Adept (Fieldcraft) 10, Openness -2 Carapace - The Creature Has Thick Chitinous Plating Covering Its Body. -- Natural Armor 4, Skill Inept (Contortion) 1 Attributes After Ability Adjustments Str: +5 Dex: +3 Bul: +15 Agi: -2 End: +0 Rea: +2 Per: +2 Wil: +3 Cre: +2 Cha: +2 Step Five: Personalities O: -1 C: -1 E: +3 A: +1 N: +3 Lozari Step One: Attributes Str: +1 Dex: +2 Bul: -1 Agi: +2 End: +3 Rea: +0 Per: +0 Wil: -3 Cre: +0 Cha: +0 Step Two: Locomotors Tentacles - The Creature Possesses 3 Sets Of Tentacles That May Be Used As Manipulators As Well As Locomotors. -- Serpentine 1 And Tenacious 1 Per Tentacle Used (Skill Ineptitude: Run 4 When Used As Locomotors) Step Three: Manipulators Tentacles - The Creature Possesses 4 Sets Of Tentacles That May Be Used As Manipulators As Well As Locomotors. -- Serpentine 1 And Tenacious 1 Per Tentacle Used (Skill Ineptitude: Run 4 When Used As Locomotors) Tentacles - The Creature Possesses 2 Sets Of Tentacles That May Be Used As Manipulators As Well As Locomotors. -- Serpentine 1 And Tenacious 1 Per Tentacle Used (Skill Ineptitude: Run 4 When Used As Locomotors) Step Four: Extra Adaptions Feelers - The Creature Possesses Two Or More Longated Touchsensitive Organs. -- Acute Sense (Scent) 4, Acute Sense (Touch) 3 Attributes After Ability Adjustments Str: +1 Dex: +2 Bul: -1 Agi: +2 End: +3 Rea: +0 Per: +0 Wil: -3 Cre: +0 Cha: +0 Step Five: Personalities O: +2 C: +1 E: +0 A: -1 N: +3







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