Linear Rail Y Axis 324mm Wilson LulzBot 2020

Linear Rail Y Axis 324mm Wilson LulzBot 2020


Linear Rail Y Axis For Any 2020 Framed Printer Like A Wilson Ii Or Lulzbot Rails @ 324Mm Centers For 400X400 Or 500X500Mm Bed Etc. These Are Untested And May Need Checking To Make Sure. It Suits Gt2 Belt So This Maybe An Issue If The Bed Weight Is High. I Can'T Print This So I Can'T Test The Deflection When Tension The Gt2 Belt Either. The Aim Was To Test The Idea Of A Robust, Mostly Printed Y Axis That Could Be Scaled To Take A Larger And Heavier Bed. I Used Cheap Y Axis Is Sbr12-500Mm Linear Bearing Rails And Sbr12Uu Sliding Block From Ebay. Clamp Blocks Y_Axis_Linear_Rail_Clamp.Stl To Clamp The Linear Rails To The Frame. The Use M5 And M3 Bolts And Nuts To Clamp The Y Axis In Place. 8X M3 X 60Mm 8X M5 X 25Mm A Test Part To Check If Your Linear Rail Will Fit Before You Print A Whole End Plate.



