1.750" Exhaust Header Fabrication kit - Snap Kit
Same Design As My Original 1.625 Header Fabrication Kit. Identical Snap System. These 1.750 Parts Will Snap Onto The 1.625 Parts. Each Bend Block Is Equivalent To A 22.5Deg Pc.. So 4 Pcs Will Give You A Perfect 90Deg Bend. Alignment Notches Are Every 22.5Deg As Well. Basic Parts Included: 1" Long Straight 1" Long Straight With Dead-End 1.75" Clr 2"Rad Centerline 3"Rad Centerline 4"Rad Centerline 5.5" Rad Centerline 6"Rad Centerline Attached Are Also The Inserts For The Band Saw Cutting Plate, And The Band Saw Cutting Plate With A 1.625 2"Clr Insert In The One File (Obviously Don'T Use The 1.625"Dia Insert For 1.75 Parts) Band Saw Inserts For 2", 3" And 4" Rad Centerline 1.75"Diameter Parts. In Stl And Step