20mm Test Cube with Upcycle potential - a cube based snap toy.

20mm Test Cube with Upcycle potential - a cube based snap toy.


I Made A 20Mm Test Cube Nearly A Year Ago For Personal Use, And Since Then I Have Tweaked It By Cutting Circle And Square Holes Through It To Give Me The Following Tests In One: 1. Xyz Calibration - 20Mm On Each Side 2. Hair Test - The Holes Provide A Good Hair Test. 3. Bridge Test - If The Square Is Oriented To The X Or Y Axis (As Opposed To Being Z Axis Oriented). I Ended Up With A Bunch Of Test Cubes Lying Around And My Kids Would Play With Them, So I Decided To Create A Little Connector Doo-Hickey So That We Can Make Interesting Cubic Shapes And Art With These.



