20/20 Spool Holder and clamp
Just A Simple Spool Holder For Any Printer With A 20/20 Aluminium Extrusion Frame. You'Ll Need A M8 Bolt At Least 30 Mm Long, A Couple Of M8 Nuts And A 608 Bearing. It Does Not Have A Filament Retainer, But I Didn'T Find It To Be A Problem. There'S Also A Clamp If You Need One To Hold The Cables. Edit: Changed The Holders' .Stl Because There Was A Slight Concavity. Edit: Added Another Base With Ledges To Improve Stability. Edit: Added Yet Another Base With Taller Ledges To Keep Spools Stable As They Get Lighter With Use. Edit: Added A Stackable Addition To The Previous Base To Use Spools With A 50+ Diameter Hole.