Anet A8 X Axis Printed Pieces - Idler and Motor Holders

Anet A8 X Axis Printed Pieces - Idler and Motor Holders


Updates 11/07/2019 I Just Uploaded Step Files So Anyone Can Edit Things Such As Tolerances And Similar Stuff. I Wanted To Have A Whole Am8 Cad Model In Order To Check Some Details. That'S Why I (Re)Designed X Axis Printed Pieces With Rounder Corners. Pieces Needed: 8Mm Diameter Smooth Rods (X2) Tr8 Leadscrews (X2) Tr8 Leadscrew Bronze Nuts (X2) Lm8Luu Linear Bearings (X2) Disclaimer: I Haven'T Printed Them So Far, I Have To Print Them To Check How Tight Pieces Fit. However, If You Want To Print Them At Your Own Responsibility, Feel Free To Do So While I Print Them Myself.



