Split Loom Clips for OpenBuilds V-slot Extrusions

Split Loom Clips for OpenBuilds V-slot Extrusions


This/These Are Wire-Loom Clips That Fit Into Openbuilds V-Slot Extrusions, Used In Quite A Few 3D Printers. They Allow You To Clip The Wire Bundles To The Printer Frame. There'S A Few On Here, But The Ones I'D Found For 1/2" Split-Loom Were Too Small, Seeming To Target 1/2" Outer Diameter, Rather Than 1/2" Inner Diameter. The Initial One Uploaded Is 17Mm Inner Diameter, Which Fits The Common Half-Inch Plastic Split-Loom Wire Wrap. Its 1.5Mm Thick, Sized Specifically To Print Tightly With Two Shells With A .4Mm Nozzle, And Thin Enough To Still Be Flexible Even In Pla To Fit Around The Wire Bundle. The Model Is Parametric, So I'M Happy To Upload Other Sizes If Needed. Just Post A Request In The Comments. I Need To Take Some Measurements, But I'Ll Also Be Uploading One For 1/4 Split Loom, Asap. Edit: Added A 10Mm Inner-Diameter One, Which Fits 1/4" Split Loom. Edit 2: Also Added A 13Mm One, Which Fits 3/8" Split Loom.



