Elevation model from a part of São Paulo

Elevation model from a part of São Paulo


X/Y Scale Is 1:50000, Z Scale Is 1:10000 To Make It Easier To Visualize The Terrain. I Made This Using A Qgis Shapefile And Rhino. I Used The Patch Command, So There Is Some Deviation From What You'Ll Get If You Triangulate The Points, But Then Again, There Will Also Be A Deviation Between A Triangulated Model And The Real World So In The End It Doesn'T Matter That Much. It Would Be Nice To Use The Same Method To Generate A Larger Model To Be Made In A Cnc Router, But Since My Cnc Router Isn'T Finished Yet, This Works Quite Well As A Proof Of Concept. I Believe Models Like This Would Be Great For A Topography Class. Printed In Abs With A 0.8Mm Nozzle, 0.4Mm Layer, Forgot To Turn On Retraction. Todo: Make A Petg Chocolate Mold From The Model Using Vacuum Forming.






