box in one line of code
<Pre>Include <"Box.Scad">; Boxm(A, Srez, H){ /*Here Is The Code Of The Figure From Which To Make The Box*/ };</Pre> Let'S Say So <Pre> Boxm(50, 20, 10){ Cube(100, True); };</Pre> Or So <Pre> Boxm(50, 20, 10){ Minkowski(){ Cube(100, True); Sphere(5, $Fn=30); }; };</Pre> Or So <Pre>Include<"Box.Scad">; Color("Green") Boxm(80, 20, 4, 0.97, 0.98, 0.97) Minkowski(){ Linear_Extrude(Height = 100, Center = True) Polygon( For(A=[0:3:359]) [(5*Sin(6*A)+55)*Sin(A), (5*Sin(6*A)+55)*Cos(A)] ] ); Sphere(5,$Fn=30); };</Pre> <Pre> Module Boxm(A, Srez, H, Nak=1, Zak=0.98, K=0.98, X=0.9, Y=0.9, Z=0.9) The First Three Parameters Are Required The Rest Are Set By Default. A - The Position In The Xy-Plane Lid {X=A, Y=A} And Box {X=A, Y=-A}; Srez - Offset Of The Cut Line Between The Lid And The Box Relative To The Middle; H - The Height Of The Rim; Nak - The Slope Of The Rim; Zak - The Adjustable Parameter Is The Tightness Of The Closure; K - Adjusts The Ratio Of The Thickness Of The Sides On The Lid And Box; X,Y,Z - The Volume Of The Cut Cavity Axis X, Y, Z (0.9 --> 90%), Wall Thickness 5%; </Pre> <Strong><A Href="Http://Www.Nashkolxoz.Ru">Www.Nashkolxoz.Ru</A></Strong> Made By Predsedatel.