CH Pro Pedals - Brake Potentiometer Replacement (Hall-Effect Sensor)

CH Pro Pedals - Brake Potentiometer Replacement (Hall-Effect Sensor)


In order to replace the standard CH Products brake potentiometer of the CH Pro Pedals at the end of lifetime, I designed two levers for a hall-effect sensor [AH49E]( (or any similar). Two levers have to be mounted in each brake pedal on the existing mounting brackets. The original potentiometer needs to be removed for this modification. Printed in standard PLA. The new bracket is designed, that it can be mounted on bearing plates of each brake pedal. The modification is nearly non-destructive, as no additional holes need to added. The only modification required are on the brake covers. In each cover there are two standoffs, which are pressing on the bearing plates. As the lever is mounted on top of these plates, the standoffs have to be shortened (no precise cutting, just that there is enough clearance). I didn't recognize any degradation by this modification. As magnet I used a [6x2mm Neodym magnet](, which can be just pressed into the magnet lever. In case your magnet is smaller, you can fix it with some superglue. The the hall-effect sensor is hold in place with some superglue. I replaced the electronics of the pedals with a [STM32 bluepill]( configured as HID joystick through [FreeJoy]( The hall-effect sensors are connected to two analog inputs and calibrated through the [FreeJoy GUI]( Any other HID Joystick can be used.






